Abstract: This study assesses the perceptions of employers towards vocational graduates in Nigeria, exploring attitudes, preferences, and perceived competencies influencing hiring decisions and workplace integration. Vocational education plays a crucial role in preparing students for specific careers, yet understanding employers' perspectives is essential for aligning educational outcomes with industry needs. The research aims to (1) examine employers' perceptions of vocational education graduates' skills, capabilities, and preparedness for the workforce, (2) analyze factors influencing employers' hiring decisions and preferences for vocational graduates, and (3) propose strategies for enhancing employer engagement and improving vocational graduates' employability. A survey research design is justified to gather insights from employers, HR professionals, and industry stakeholders. A sample size of 400 participants will be selected through purposive sampling to represent employers across various sectors in Enugu State. Case studies will explore employer collaborations with vocational institutions and perceptions towards vocational education graduates. Findings indicated that employers value practical skills, hands-on experience, and industry-specific competencies in vocational graduates but often perceive gaps in soft skills and adaptability. Recommendations include enhancing internship opportunities, fostering closer industry-academia partnerships, and promoting the value of vocational education in addressing workforce needs and enhancing career pathways.